Al VIII-lea Congres National de Istoria Medicinei si Istoria Farmaciei (Hotel Howard-Johnson, Bucuresti, 26-28 Iunie 2014)

In plina vara 2014, medico- si farmaco-istorici din Societatile de Istoria Medicinei (SRIM) si Istoria Farmaciei (SRIF), au prezentat si dezbatut timp de trei zile, teme de o deosebita importanta din trecutul celor doua profesiuni, cu impact asupra viitorului lor.

Societatea Româna de Istoria Medicinei,
Societatea Româna  de Istoria Farmaciei
U.M.F. Carol Davila
Catedra de Istoria Medicinei,
Catedra de Istoria Farmaciei
Asociatia Medicala Româna

Temele Congresului au fost:
1. Istoricul vietii academice in medicina si farmacia romaneasca
-Medici si farmacisti in Academia Romana
-Istoricul Academiei de Stiinte medicale
-Societati stiintifice in istoria medicinei si a farmaciei romanesti
-Istoricul Societatii Romane de Istoria Medicinei si a Farmaciei

2.   Istoricul neurostiintelor in Romania
3. Istoricul medicinei romanesti in mediul urban
-Bucurestiul medical (la 555 de ani de la atestarea documentara)
-Medicina si farmacia in targuri si orase: forme de organizare, institutii, personalitati
4. Istoricul eticii biomedicale in Romania
5. Medicina si farmacia in epoca brancoveneasca (300 de ani de la martiriul Sfintilor Brancoveni)
6. Varia

La deschiderea lucrarilor, joi 26 Iunie, Prezidiul a fost onorat de prezenta unor mari personalitati din domeniu, academicieni, profesori universitari, presedintii, vicepresedinti ai celor doua societati: Acad. Prof. Dr. Constantin Balaceanu Stolnici,  Acad. Prof. Dr. Irinel Popescu,  Acad. Prof. Dr. C. Ionescu-Targoviste, Prof. Dr. Benone Dutescu, Prof. Dr. Nicolae Marcu, Prof. Dr.Octavian Buda, Conf. Dr. Farm. Adriana-Elena Taerel.

In cuvantul de Bun Venit, Prof. Dr. N. Marcu, presedintele SRIM, printre altele, a spus: „In al 85-lea an de existenta a Societatii Romane de Istoria Medicinei (SRIM) fondata in 1929 din initiativa Doctorului Victor Gomoiu (1882-1960) – ne revedem la al VIII-lea Congres National – prilej special de a masura drumul parcurs si de a contribui la cunoasterea trecutului sanitar al tarii”.  „Parcurgand un drum lung de munca si realizari, SRIM s-a afirmat ca for stiintific al acestui domeniu interdisciplinar ce formeaza insusi nucleul umanismului medical”.

Alocutiunile membrilor Prezidiului au marcat importanta Istoriei Medicinii intre disciplinele de invatamant universitar si in cercetarea stiintifica. Presedintele Societatii Romane de Istoria Farmaciei (SRIF), Conf. Dr. Farm. Adriana-Elena Taerel, a spus: „Activitatea stiintifica a SRIF, [creata in 13 Iunie 1991, din initiativa si contributia Lector univ. Col. (r) Dr. Farm. Constantin Iugulescu (1924-2006)], in cei 23 ani de existenta, s-a concretizat in organizarea a 23 reuniuni nationale (inclusiv Sectii in cadrul Congreselor Nationale de Farmacie), 4 Colocvii internationale (1996-2014, co-organizator in 1996), un Congres International de Istoria Farmaciei (Sinaia, 2003). SRIF nu a organizat nici-un congres national. Apreciem binevenita decizia Consiliului SRIM de participare a celor doua societati, SRIM si SRIF, la organizarea si derularea celui de al VIII-lea Congres National de Istoria Medicinei si Istoria Farmaciei”!

Programul stiintific, foarte bogat, a cuprins conferinte si comunicari stiintifice, lansari de carte medicala, prezentate in 9 sesiuni.

Congresul s-a prelungit dupa orele inchiderii, mentionate in program, astfel incat toti autorii prezenti au avut timpul necesar prezentarii lucrarilor.

Rezumatele lucrarilor introduse in volum, sunt precedate de portretele a doua mari personalitati, ziditori si creatori din istoria nationala si istoria medicinei si farmaciei [1, p.16-17]: Domnitorul Constantin Brancoveanu, Domn al Tarii Romanesti timp de 26 ani (1688-1714) si Carol Davila (1828-1884), mare organizator al serviciului sanitar, la jumatatea secolului al XIX-lea, creatorul invatamantului farmaceutic la Bucuresti (1855-1857). Carol Davila, medic pregatit in Franta, a venit la Bucuresti in 13 Aprilie 1853, la solicitarea autoritatilor romane, pentru reorganizarea serviciului sanitar militar si civil. A participat pe campul de lupta la Razboiul de Independenta, 1877-1878.

The 41st ICOHTEC Symposium (Meeting of  the International Committee for the History of Technology- ICOHTEC)

29 July – 2 August, 2014, Aula University Library, Brasov, Romania
Technology in Times of Transition
The International Committee for the History of Technology’s
41th Symposium in Brasov, Romania, 29 July – 2 August 2014


Simpozionul a fost pregatit de la inceputul anului, dupa cum rezulta din corespondenta cu Organizatorii. Motivarea temei si alegerea orasului, sunt prezentate in prima parte a mesajului:

Deadline for proposals is 3 February 2014

The 41st ICOHTEC Symposium will be held in Romania at the turn of July and August next year.

The main theme of the meeting will be Technology in Times of Transition. The aim is to examine major break and turning points in technological development with the following conversion periods in a multidisciplinary framework.

The general theme is tailored for the site, while the intention is to examine flexibility of technology to adjust to major societal transitions in the past and present. Times of transition refer to rapid and even revolutionary phases of history when major societal structures changed and nations had to bend to new conditions. Industrial revolutions of the 18th and 19th century, restructuring the economies during and after World War I, depression of the 1930s, post-war period of reshuffle and economic growth and collapse of the Soviet regime in the 1990s are examples of times of transition. In addition, the idea of the symposium is to promote dialogues between East and West as well as North and South and – if possible – also to compare experiences of various countries in the similar circumstances.

Brasov, where the medieval heritage is uniquely combined with rich industrial history, is going to be an excellent site for examining imprint of technological change on culture and civilization. Evidently Brasov is one of the cities where the transition has been felt and lived through several times in the past. Especially transition first to a massive industrialization regime during the planned economy and then to a drastic regime of de-industrialization after 1989 affected strongly to Brasov.

1. Technological basis for the breakthrough of industrialisation
2. Technology for warfare and post-World War I industrialisation
3. Technology during the interwar economic recession and other depressions
4. Post-World War II restructuring of production and markets
5. Technology during the Cold War
6. Post-1989 deindustrialisation and reindustrialisation of Eastern Europe
7. Restructuring in memories: experiences on technological transitions
8. Technology policy in retrospect
9. New insights into the industrial and cultural heritage
10. Skilful hands: Handicrafts under the pressure of mass production
11. Extensions of the human hand and brain: Advanced technologies
12. Technological utopias and symbols of technological progress
13. Technology in constructing gender in the market and former socialist economies
14. Artistic presentation of technology and technological perspectives of visual culture
15. Technology, design and new materials: How they have shaped society
16. Special topics.

On Thursday, March 20, 2014 9:15 PM, „[email protected]” <[email protected]> wrote: Dear Professor Ana Carata, Researcher Constanta Rizescu, Dr. Emilia Stancu, Ph.D. candidate Mihai Stanescu and Lecturer Adriana -Elena Taerel, It is my pleasure to inform you that your paper has been accepted for the 41st annual meeting of the International Committee for the History of Technology (ICOHTEC), to be held in Brasov, Romania on 29 July to 2 August 2014. The programme committee was very impressed by the number and quality of the proposals, so please accept our sincere congratulations.

La Sesiunea de lucrari din 30 Iulie orele 9:00-10:30 a fost prezentata lucrarea: Contributions of Romanian researchers to obtain drugs from natural resources (Contributii ale cercetatorilor romani pentru obtinerea de  medicamente din resurse naturale), Autori: Adriana-Elena Taerel, Emilia Stancu, Ana Carata, Constanta Rizescu,  Mihai-Lucian Stanescu.

Sursa documentara:
1Al VIII-lea Congres National de Istoria Medicinei si Istoria Farmaciei (vol. 83 p. A5, Hotel Howard-Johnson, Bucuresti, 26-28 Iunie 2014);
2- The 41th Symposium International Committee for the History of Technology’s (ICOHTEC), in Brasov, Romania, 29 July – 2 August 2014,

Prof. Univ. Dr. Farm. Ana CARATA

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